Transdev resecures Employer Of Choice for Gender Equality citation


Transdev is proud to have received the WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation for the second consecutive year.

One of only 119 organisations in Australia to have received the citation, it is a strong endorsement of our ongoing commitment to gender equality and promoting diversity across the transport industry in Australia and New Zealand.

The WGEA citation is a leading practice recognition program that goes beyond compliance with the Workplace Gender Equality Act.

Criteria for the citation cover leadership, learning and development, gender remuneration gaps, flexible working and other initiatives to support family responsibilities, employee consultation, preventing sex-based harassment and discrimination, and targets for improving gender equality outcomes.

Transdev Australasia’s Head of Talent, Diversity and Inclusion and Learning and Engagement, Donna Jones, said the citation was a welcome endorsement of a commitment to diversity across all levels of the organisation.

“We have introduced a range of initiatives in the last two years including Journey Maker Academies that aim to address barriers women faced in participating in operational and front line roles in public transport by providing a tailored learning experience.

“We established a gender neutral parental leave policy and supported our Male Champions of Change to call out any potential everyday sexism by promoting the strong key message ‘It’s not okay today’ which was backed by training to help people call out sexism in the workplace in a non-confrontational way.

“Diversity is more than a metric to us – it is important that our organisation reflects the diversity of the communities we serve everyday,” she said.

WGEA Director Libby Lyons commented that the strategic and targeted action taken by citation holders was translating to faster progress in gender equality.

“They are closing their pay gap and increasing their representation of women in management at a faster rate than other employers in our data set.”

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Kate Babic
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+61 400 221 052

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