Transdev publishes fourth Modern Slavery Statement


Transdev Australia and New Zealand has published their fourth annual Modern Slavery Statement in accordance with the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018.

The Statement identifies the modern slavery risks within the business, its supply chains, and the actions being taken to address them

Transdev Australia & New Zealand’s A/Chief Executive Officer Nathan Lanthois stressed the importance of ensuring that no person’s freedom is denied anywhere in business operations

“As a company committed to sound environment, social and governance practices, this document is an important annual commitment,” said Mr Lanthois.

“We continue to make strong progress in the implementation of our Sustainable Procurement Action Plan launched in 2020, supported by the robust governance and risk management practices that we inherit from our European headquarters.”

Key objectives of the Plan include ensuring that:

  • Businesses operate in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth);
  • Employees understand modern slavery;
  • Avenues for reporting potential instances of modern slavery within and outside the organisation are available; and
  • Potential or actual modern slavery practices are eliminated from operations and supply chains.

The full Statement is available for download below.

Key highlights of Transdev Australasia’s 2023 Modern Slavery statement include:

  • Continued implementation of and progress against the Sustainable Procurement Action Plan;
  • An overview of existing policies and governance mitigating human rights risks including Modern Slavery within the business and its supply chains; and
  • A plan for continuous improvement and proactive engagement of suppliers to combat Modern Slavery in the future.

2023 Modern Slavery Statement

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