Delivering a more diverse public transport sector

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The ambition to deliver more equal gender representation in the workplace is helping mobility provider Transdev to deliver a more diverse workforce and smash outdated social traditions.

Since committing to the target in 2018, women now make up to close to 30% of new employees hired at Transdev. In its rail and light rail operations, women now account for more than 42% of new recruits – 20% greater than industry wide representation within the rail sector (WGEA, 2021).


Transdev Australasia’s Head of Talent, Diversity and Inclusion and Learning and Engagement, Donna Jones said there had been significant gains in the last two years in breaking down outdated perceptions about a career in public transport.


“There opportunities available in the transport sector are vast, and we are continuing to put in place programs to change the culture and provide a more inclusive workplace,” Ms Jones said.


“Traditionally one of the biggest barriers for women pursuing a career in public transport has been around the perceived lack of flexibility, which particularly effects those with carer responsibilities. To combat this, Transdev have made flexible work options available for all employees, including our frontline teams.


“In Melbourne we a have developed a specialised all-female recruitment and training program designed and delivered by women to support women in transitioning to a career in public transport, by providing them with mentoring and training so that they can gain the experience and confidence to become a bus driver.”


In 2020, women accounted for 27.7% of new recruits in Transdev’s Sydney Ferry operations and 17.7% in the company’s Australian and New Zealand bus operations.


For New South Wales bus trainee, Fenella, participating in Transdev’s Journey Maker Academy bus driver training program helped improve her confidence during her transition from a career in the corporate sector.

“The trainers are excellent, they take their time building your skills and encouraging you. My main issue was nerves and my Trainer spent a lot of time giving me the confidence to believe in myself,” Fenella said.

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